Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Heat

Just woke up, before the sun, to enjoy my favorite pre-dawn hour with my coffee and toenail polish.  I normally paint my toes outside, so the smell doesn't linger in the house.  Well, who paint's their toes in a sauna?  Gooey, clumpy, sweaty polish?  So, I'm inside...  blogging while my toes dry.  It is 91 degrees when we go to sleep at nite.  Right now it is 80.  And when I get in my car this afternoon it will be 107.  The girls and I quote movie lines daily, always interjecting them at just the right moment and making each other laugh.  Last night, Anni quoted one of my favorite lines from Snow White.  She said to me, "You must be Grumpy!"  Oh, dear.  Funny, but not...  Quick reality check, yes, I have indeed been grumpy.  And I'm pretty certain of the culprit.  I'm HOT.  Its a bit like I felt when I was pregnant in 1998, which is the last time we experienced these recording breaking high temperatures and extreme drought.  I joked, "You add 20 degrees and 20 pounds and see how you feel!"  Even though we're in a well insulated house, with tile floors that feel pretty cool most of the time, the sun beats down....  baking everything.  My evening walk was dusty.  The little wind devils blowing sand and grit on my legs and occasionally between my teeth.  Sometimes I even get dirt blown in my eyes.  My car is the color of dirt.  My front door, garage doors, patio furniture, covered in dust...  almost like the springtime pollen.  We need the skies to open up and wash it all off!  There is nothing blooming...  The fruit on my fig tree that we would normally be harvesting this time of year, is the size of wasabi peas.  Last year they were big juicy silver dollars.  So many that we had to make jam.  I prayed this morning.  Hard.  I know God is omnipotent, but I asked anyway.  Begged.  On behalf of all the grumpy sweaty mom's out there.  On behalf of the farmers'.  The shrinking lakes.  All of the crazy boaters will be sharing "a" boat ramp this July 4th.  Just add alcohol and a few normally hidden sandbars and there's a recipe for disaster.  Grumpy, yes.  I'm aware.  I'm trying.  I think I found myself panting yesterday, like my dog.  It was not attractive. They say we are spoiled.  Our generation has not experienced a hardship.  Is this it?  Are we all going to slowly dry up?  Die a slow death as we ration water?  I hope not.  The news is absolutely depressing.  There was a 15 minute segment last nite about the 10 percent chance for rain today.  We are all hopeful it will come.  My air conditioner runs and runs and runs and next month I will give the electric company my grocery money, I'm sure.  Well, I am going to take a cold shower.  I resolve to try and curtail my grumpiness.  Aside from the heat, I've got lots to sing and whistle about....  I'd much rather sing with birds on my shoulder than be called Grumpy.  My life is not a Disney movie, but its all relative.

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